empowering ordinary people to achieve extraordinary success!
empowering ordinary people to achieve extraordinary success!
Director Of Human Resources
Carl Reid is an amazing professional, who brings all the skills and expertise of a savvy business le
Start conversations and ATTRACT Quality Lifetime Connections Power Networking in a Social Media World.
Whether you're new to social media or have been in the field for some time, bring your networking engagements to the next level to achieve personal, career, or business success!
Using lessons learned starting his successful technology consulting and leadership develop company Savvy Intrapreneur, Carl E. Reid provides an engaging presentation for An Evening with Master Networkers, hosted by international speaker and executive coach Rodrigo "Rod" Colon. Carl's outstanding contribution to the awesome speaker line up made this a very successful fundraiser for the Mitzvah Squad a champion fundraising team with the Multiple Sclerosis Society.
How can you find out if incorporating the intrapreneur mindset into your career management path is for you? Chief Savvy Intrapreneur, Carl E Reid shares one THE Most significant moments you are ready for intrapreneurship.
Learn a success trait that empowers you to either succeed or have a learning moment from a setback for future success. Carl E Reid explains " If you ask for permission, you eliminate any opportunity to experience success or setback learning, because you placed your decision in the hands of another person."
If your house is on fire, forget the china, silver and wedding album. Grab your rolodex. (smart phone with all your contacts) - Harvey MacKay
Email: iGetSmart@savvyintrapreneur.com
Office: 201-222-5390